Nominate Academic Achievement

For Teachers, this is the page to nominate a student.  Please read all the directions.

Please remember: A student selected as an A+BC Student of the Month should have demonstrated academic achievement in your school or classroom.   

1. Check to see if your nomination has been a Student of the Month previously.

Infinate Campus abc.png

Nominees can receive recognition once for Kindergarten thru Grade 8, and once during Grades 9 thru 12.  You can check the awards flag in Infinite Campus.  This  is what it looks like if a student has earned the ABC award between K-8.  The flag will appear.  In this example, the student has not been nominated 9-12.  If they were, a second flag would appear next to the ABC_K8 flag. Please submit a photo of your student with your nomination to

2. Submit your selection by the Due Date: 

For Students Nominated in . . .

September, October, November: October 21, 2024 by midnight

December, January, February: January 13, 2025 by midnight

March, April: March 31, 2025 by midnight

These deadlines are important for our ability to process submissions in a timely manner for the ceremonies. We are unable to guarantee that late submissions will be recognized so please be aware of these deadlines. We appreciate your cooperation.

3. Please fill out this form to submit your nomination

Please email your student’s photo to as soon as possible!